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Unity3d插件Ekume Engine 2D + Complete Platformer Game 1.4.4
This extension requires one license per seat
Requires Unity 5.6.0 or higher.
Make amazing 2D games with plugins, components and without programming skills!.
Save time with the components and plugins provided by EE2D, this is the best way to make games easily, fast and multiplatform.
It includes a complete platformer game of example with 5 worlds, 50 levels, character shop, weapon shop, clothing shop, power upgrading and power shop, world selection and level selection.
With a huge quantity of beautiful and exclusive game art by ekume engine 2D that you can use for your game.
Here are some features of EE2D:
- Score types manager: Allows you to create score types like Points, Coins, Stars or the types you need for your game. This plugin has some components that you can to use to increase and show the created scores, to show the best score, the current score in the level, the accumulated quantity (For coins, for example), or even to enable objects depending of the quantity of the score you have with some score type, for example with the stars.
- Input Controls Manager: With this plugin you will be able to create and assign the respective input controls for every platform. This plugin will select and enable automatically the respective controls depending of the current platform that is running the game. You can create and select input controls for desktop (PC, MAC, Web), Joystick, Mobile Devices (Swipe functions, touch, click), and even you can to create a joystick and buttons on the UI (For mobile games) and assign it input controls.
- Components for player and enemies: You will be able to create your enemies and player like you want with the different components to manage the movement, Jump, animations, sounds, health, weapon, etc..
- Mounts for Player: With EE2D you will be able to create mounts for the player, and manage his own life, weapon, movement options (Can to fly if you want), the method to mound and the method to dismount, and many options more. This is very popular in some games, for example Metal Slug, where you can mount robots, tanks or animals, or the best example is Super Mario World, where you can mount a dinosaur (Yoshi).
- Animator Managers: With the components of Animator Manager of Player and Animator manager of Enemy you will be able to manage the parameters of the animator depending of the states of the player or enemy. As well, there is components to manage the parameters of any animator of world elements with the components Animator Manager On Trigger / On Collision.
- Sound Managers: You will be able to manage the sounds of the Player and Enemies adding conditions depending on his states and/or input control conditions. As well, you can play sounds of the world or buttons with the components SoundOnTrigger, SoundOnCollision and SoundOnPressButton.
- Player Powers / Power Shop and Power Upgrading: EE2D has 7 powers ready to be added to the player, this powers are the most comun or popular in different types of games, like Coins x2, Jetpack, Coins Magnet, Shield, Power to fly, and more. With this plugin you can use different components to make many things, for example you will be able to make a power shop (To buy uses for the powers) and power upgrading (To upgrade the time of use).
- Weapon factory and weapon shop: EE2D has a plugin to create weapons and bullets for the weapons. You will be able to create almost any type of weapon, like hammer, bows, swords, pistols, machine guns, bazookas or even you could create attacks like powers or melee attacks. Here you can create the weapon categories and define how the bullets will be saved and with what weapon the player will start. As well, you have components to get weapons and bullets in game.
- Plugins to make a Character selection / Character shop: If you want various characters in your game, this plugins are perfect for you. You can create many characters and make a character selection, or make a character shop to buy characters.
- Clothing Factory (Plugin to make clothing shop): This plugin allows you to create categories for the different items and add the respective objects for every category. This plugin contains some components to put the clothing items to the player and to make buttons to buy items and select them.
- Levels Manager (And plugin to make a level selection): You will be able to create world selection and level selection with the components of EE2D. You can show the respective best scores of every level, the stars, or the scores you want to show. This plugin allows you to show when a level is locked, unlocked or won and enable objects depending of that states (to enable for example the button to enter in the level when the level is unlocked). As well, you will have many components to load the levels or normal scenes without programming, just adding the components to normal buttons (Of Unity UI).
- Level Editor: Edit your levels more easy with the level editor, here you can create categories and subcategories for the objects and add your own GameObjects to edit your levels. You can fit the objects with the grid and you can edit the grid with the size and color you want.
- Dozens of plugins more: A lot of hight quality components and plugins really amazing that helps you to make many things in your game, like for example thePathFollower (Available too on the asset store) that allows you to create paths to make an object follows them. You can find components to manage objects in the game, to add actions OnCollision, OnTrigger or specific actions, components to add specific behaviours to the objects, to destroy, enable, or disable objects, to make actions when the player press specific input controls, enable or disable objects when the player is in some state, to make ladders for the player, water, parkour walls (Walls to jump), special platforms to slide, jump, add velocity, etc....
Read more about the plugins and components from the documentation or in the more components page.
Save time with the components and plugins provided by EE2D, this is the best way to make games easily, fast and multiplatform.
It includes a complete platformer game of example with 5 worlds, 50 levels, character shop, weapon shop, clothing shop, power upgrading and power shop, world selection and level selection.
With a huge quantity of beautiful and exclusive game art by ekume engine 2D that you can use for your game.
Here are some features of EE2D:
- Score types manager: Allows you to create score types like Points, Coins, Stars or the types you need for your game. This plugin has some components that you can to use to increase and show the created scores, to show the best score, the current score in the level, the accumulated quantity (For coins, for example), or even to enable objects depending of the quantity of the score you have with some score type, for example with the stars.
- Input Controls Manager: With this plugin you will be able to create and assign the respective input controls for every platform. This plugin will select and enable automatically the respective controls depending of the current platform that is running the game. You can create and select input controls for desktop (PC, MAC, Web), Joystick, Mobile Devices (Swipe functions, touch, click), and even you can to create a joystick and buttons on the UI (For mobile games) and assign it input controls.
- Components for player and enemies: You will be able to create your enemies and player like you want with the different components to manage the movement, Jump, animations, sounds, health, weapon, etc..
- Mounts for Player: With EE2D you will be able to create mounts for the player, and manage his own life, weapon, movement options (Can to fly if you want), the method to mound and the method to dismount, and many options more. This is very popular in some games, for example Metal Slug, where you can mount robots, tanks or animals, or the best example is Super Mario World, where you can mount a dinosaur (Yoshi).
- Animator Managers: With the components of Animator Manager of Player and Animator manager of Enemy you will be able to manage the parameters of the animator depending of the states of the player or enemy. As well, there is components to manage the parameters of any animator of world elements with the components Animator Manager On Trigger / On Collision.
- Sound Managers: You will be able to manage the sounds of the Player and Enemies adding conditions depending on his states and/or input control conditions. As well, you can play sounds of the world or buttons with the components SoundOnTrigger, SoundOnCollision and SoundOnPressButton.
- Player Powers / Power Shop and Power Upgrading: EE2D has 7 powers ready to be added to the player, this powers are the most comun or popular in different types of games, like Coins x2, Jetpack, Coins Magnet, Shield, Power to fly, and more. With this plugin you can use different components to make many things, for example you will be able to make a power shop (To buy uses for the powers) and power upgrading (To upgrade the time of use).
- Weapon factory and weapon shop: EE2D has a plugin to create weapons and bullets for the weapons. You will be able to create almost any type of weapon, like hammer, bows, swords, pistols, machine guns, bazookas or even you could create attacks like powers or melee attacks. Here you can create the weapon categories and define how the bullets will be saved and with what weapon the player will start. As well, you have components to get weapons and bullets in game.
- Plugins to make a Character selection / Character shop: If you want various characters in your game, this plugins are perfect for you. You can create many characters and make a character selection, or make a character shop to buy characters.
- Clothing Factory (Plugin to make clothing shop): This plugin allows you to create categories for the different items and add the respective objects for every category. This plugin contains some components to put the clothing items to the player and to make buttons to buy items and select them.
- Levels Manager (And plugin to make a level selection): You will be able to create world selection and level selection with the components of EE2D. You can show the respective best scores of every level, the stars, or the scores you want to show. This plugin allows you to show when a level is locked, unlocked or won and enable objects depending of that states (to enable for example the button to enter in the level when the level is unlocked). As well, you will have many components to load the levels or normal scenes without programming, just adding the components to normal buttons (Of Unity UI).
- Level Editor: Edit your levels more easy with the level editor, here you can create categories and subcategories for the objects and add your own GameObjects to edit your levels. You can fit the objects with the grid and you can edit the grid with the size and color you want.
- Dozens of plugins more: A lot of hight quality components and plugins really amazing that helps you to make many things in your game, like for example thePathFollower (Available too on the asset store) that allows you to create paths to make an object follows them. You can find components to manage objects in the game, to add actions OnCollision, OnTrigger or specific actions, components to add specific behaviours to the objects, to destroy, enable, or disable objects, to make actions when the player press specific input controls, enable or disable objects when the player is in some state, to make ladders for the player, water, parkour walls (Walls to jump), special platforms to slide, jump, add velocity, etc....
Read more about the plugins and components from the documentation or in the more components page.
You cannot use the logo and the name of Super Monkey Legend for your game.
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